Slax manufacturer in India


Recommended Use: For slag control on high duty grey and SG irons, where the metaltemperature is high or where the metal surface is exposed to top heat, e.g. in covered ladles,reverberatory furnaces etc.

These alloys usually give a difficult slag that is awkward to handle and remove cleanly whenthe temperature exceeds about 1300ºC (2372ºF). Without control the possibility, therefore,exists that slag will be poured with the metal and give inclusions in the casting.

Purpose: ECO-SLAX coagulant will collect and coagulate these slags into a tough plasticcrust. That can easily be removed or, alternatively, it may be left in place and the metalpoured from beneath it. The crust will stay in place during pouring and will also provide aneffective degree of heat insulation.

Instructions for Use: These recommendations apply to the surface area of approximately 45kg ladle.
Either (1) Add 30-90g, ECO-SLAX coagulant to the existing slag, rabble until dry and skimoff. Place a further 30-90g on the metal surface, with a view to forming a dam or bridgeacross the ladlelip. Allow to crust for a few moments before pouring. Do not break the crustformed


(2) When tapping into carrying ladles, add 30-90g. ECO-SLAXcoagulant to the metalstream –not the empty pot. Rabble in when the pot is full and skim clean. Add a further30-60g. as described under (1) above.


(3) Where the metal is melted under a dry cover, e.g. charcoal, it is not necessary to skimcompletely. The melting cover should be pushed back from the lip and 30-90g. ECO–SLAXcoagulant sprinkled on to the cleared metal so as to form a floating dam across the lip. Thiswill effectively hold back charcoal etc. no matter how many times the crucible is tilted,provided the dam is not broken.

Always remove the ECO-SLAX crust before recharging the crucible or furnace.

Advantages: ECO-SLAX Coagulant allows positive control of difficult slags to be obtainedat the Most effective point – the lip of the crucible. Manual holding back can be dispensedwith. Castings are cleaner and crucibles stay clean and last longer. ECO-SLAXcoagulant isentirely safe to use, is free from dust and fume, does not trap metal and does not contaminatethe melt in any way. Good slag control means cleaner castings and easier working.

Standard Packing: 25 kg in HDPE BAGS

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