Silicon Coatings Manufacturers

H2 - ECO - SIL 606 (Silicon Mould Coating)

ECO – SIL 606
ECO – SIL 606 is a long-chain alkyl aryl Polysiloxane. Compared to the traditional
polydimethylsiloxane, SIL 606 has many excellent properties.
Used as die casting lubricant, SIL 606 is suitable for soft metal (aluminium, zinc, magnesium, etc.) on die casting. The surface of the product is bright, and SIL 606 is notcarbonated on the mold surface.
ECO – SIL 606 does not affect the secondary printing and finishing

Typical Applications

Casting lubricant

Emulsify or dilute ECO – SIL 606 before use. Nonionic surfactants and aliphatichydrocarbons are available.

Key Features

• The surface of the release product is bright and ECO – SIL 606 is not carbonated on themold surface
• Does not affect the secondary printing and finishing

Typical Physical Properties

Appearance :Light Yellow Transparent Liquid
Viscosity (cSt, 250C) : 1500
Refractive Index (250C) : 1.4650
Specific Gravity (25/250C) : 0.92
Active Content (%) :100

Storage: Store in closed container

Shelf Life : 24 months

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