High emissivity protective refractory coating

ECO - H COTE 110

ECO – H COTE 110 is a high performance refractory coating specially formulated with theincorporation of inert zirconium compounds stabilised and bonded with ceramic oxides. Thisimparts protective refractory barrier on base refractories such as bricks, monolithics,castables, ceramic fibre modules etc.

ECO-H COTE 110 coating exhibits high emissivity, abrasion resistance, nonwettingcharacteristics, spalling resistance and superior sealing action which further enhance theperformance of the refractories while protecting them form corrosive attack of molten metal,oxides and other compounds at high temperatures upto 19000 c

Product Function:-

ECO – H COTE 110 due to the incorporation of inert zirconium compounds stabilizedthrough ceramic oxide bond, functions as superior refractory coating having following characteristics: –

1. Protection of base refractories
ECO – H COTE 110 protects the base refractories from the direct attach of corrosivemolten metal, oxide slag, and other compound because of the protective nature andsealing ability of the coating.
2. Improvement in abrasion resistance and wear resistance
ECO – H COTE 110 improves the abrasion resistance and wear resistance of the baserefractories because of the inherent properties of zirconium compounds bondedceramically.
3. Improvement in non-wetting characteristics
ECO – H COTE 110 further improves the non-wetting characteristics of the baserefractories particularly to molten aluminium and non-ferrous metals their oxides andslag because of chemical inertness of zirconium compounds incorporated in theformulation.
4. Improvement in the life of base refractories
ECO – H COTE 110 further enchances spalling resistance of the base refractorybecause of superior thermal shock resistance of the barrier coating having stablisedzirconium compounds.
5. Increase in heat emissivity and reduction in fuel consumption. ECO – H COTE 110 imparts the barrier coating having very high heat emissivity andheat reflection properties which reduces the fuel consumption considerably. It alsoprevents the leakages because of tight sealing effect.

Benefits: –
The base refractories coated with ECO – H COTE 110 as protective refractory coating yieldfollowing major benefits:-

* Overall improvement in refractory performance
ECO – H COTE 110 further enhances the overall refractory performance of the baserefractories because of improvements in abrasion resistance, wear resistance, spallingresistance and non-wetting properties.
* Improvement in life of refractories
ECO – H COTE 110 because of its protective nature considerably improves the life of thebase refractories. The breakdown and the maintenance cost is also reduced considerably ascoating can be used as a very good repair compound.
* Improvement in the quality of castings
The application of ECO – H COTE 110 on base refractories also minimizes the non-metallicinclusion arising from the linings especially in case of aluminium and other non-ferrous metalcasting thereby improving the quality of the casting considerably.
* Cost saving
With the use of ECO – H COTE 110 as protective refractory coating, considerable cost savingis achieved because of savings in the fuel cost due to high emissivity and minimized heatlosses due to tight sealing ability and increased working life of the refractories.

Typical properties

Appearance :  Creamy liquid
Specific Gravity :  2.35 to 2.40 gm/cc
Brookfield viscocity :  260 to 280 cps
(Speed 10, spindle 5)
ZrO2 on dried film :  58 % to 59 %


1. Keep the mastic container air tight. Avoid exposure to heat and store at ambienttemperature under a shed for better shelf life.
2. The mastic thickness and hardness on storage. However, can be brought to workablecondition with a little mulling prior to use.
3. Ensure complete drying of mastic lining before use.

Packing :  25 Kg bucket

ECO – H COTE 110: Protective refractory coating. Non-wetting to molten metals.

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