Deoxidising Tubes Manufacturers in India


General Description:

ECO – DEOXIDISING TUBES comprise of a range of various reducing agents contained inpure copper and brass tubes for controlled deoxidation of copper and its alloys.


Oxides are formed during melting of copper and its alloys. These oxides, if allowed to remainin the melt, cause sluggish and gassy metal leading to low mechanical properties of the castparts.

These oxides are reduced from the melt by the introduction of ECO – DEOXIDISINGTUBES.
ECO – DEOXIDISING TUBES contain very reactive reducing agents which form stableoxides by combining with oxygen. Such oxides can be easily separated from the melt andthus the metal quality is improved.
ECO – DEOXIDISING TUBES offer an easy method for making controlled and correctaddition of deoxidising agents to the melt.
The dissolution of ECO – DEOXIDISING TUBES is rapid and uniform hence it resultsincomplete and efficient deoxidation of the metal


1. Dissolution of deoxidant is rapid and uniform thus melt treatment time is reduced.
2. Very convenient and accurate method of deoxidation which prevents casting rejectiondue to oxygen blow holes.
3. Metal fluidity is improved and major causes of porosity in the castings are eliminated.

Instructions for use:

1. Melt down under the cover of an appropriate flux like ECO – CUPREET, ECO -CUPREX,ECO – ALBROL.
2. Degas with ECO – LOWGAS blocks
3. Immediately before pouring, plunge ECO DEOXIDISING TUBES right to the bottom ofthe melt. Stir the melt well, skim and pour.

Standard packing:

100 Nos. in CB box.
Other ECO – ORRO products for casting copper and its alloys
Melting fluxes : ECO – ALBROL, ECO – CUPREET, ECO – ALMINAL & ECO -SLAXDegassing fluxes : ECO – LOWGAS

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