Degasser Tablet Manufacturers in India


A range of chemical degassing and degassing cum grain refining agents for aluminum andits alloys.

General Description:

ECO – DEGASER products are compacted tablets in different sizes to facilitatetreatment of various melt sizes . They are plunged into aluminium melts fordegassing


Even under the best melting conditions, it is often impossible to prevent hydrogengas from entering the melt which finally gives rise to porosity in the cast products. Itis therefore necessary to remove as much of hydrogen from the melt as possible priorto pouring

ECO – DEGASER range of products remove the dissolved hydrogen by diffusionprocess. Degassing with these products is superior to flushing with chlorine gaswhich is associated with problems of space, equipment, corrosion, health hazards, etc.Some of the degassing products contain grain refining elements also and theseproducts function as combined degassing and grain refining agents.


Select the right grade of DEGASER from the application guide given below:

Approximate application rate have been given in this application guide

  • Plunge the recommended quantity as per the application guide to the bottom of themelt using a preheated cylindrical or rectangular basket type plunger when thetemperature is falling. The degassing should be continued until the bubbling ceases
  • Coat the plunger with a refractory coating to prevent iron pick up. Dry theplunger completely before use.
  • Remove the wrapper before the ECO – DEGASER tablets are plunged, otherwisemetal may pick up hydrogen from the decomposition products of the wrapper. Donot expose ECO – DEGASER tablets to atmosphere as far as possible as moisturepick up would result.
  • As a gentle rolling action creates more efficient degassing than a turbulent action,apply ECO – DEGASER tablets in two or more successive operations rather thanin a single operation
  • In case of Al-Si Hypoeutectic and eutectic alloys, degas before modification treatment.This helps in securing a constant degree of modification by destroying any existingmodification and then remodifying to a known and desired extent
  • In case of AI-Si hypereutic alloys, degas before and after grain refining treatment. Thishelps in knocking off sodium present in the melt before grain refinement and in gettingbetter dispersion of the primary silicon particles after grain Reinement.


ECO – DEGASER range of products :

  • Eliminates hydrogen gas porosity, removes non-metallics and enables to achievepolished finishes for plating and anodizing.
  • Improves mechanical properties.
  • Are available in tablet form and can be plunged with a simple plunging tool
  • Are supplied in a wide range of grades and sizes for economical, accurate andefficient metal treatment.


ECO – DEGASER tablets are available in two sizes 100 gm and 500 gm.
ECO – DEGASER tablets are wrapped in poly lined paper foil and supplied incardboard boxes.


1. Avoid inhalation of dust.
2. Use of protective gloves and nose napkins recommended.

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