General Description:

ECO – ALSR is an excellent modifying agent for aluminium and its alloys. It is used to refine thegrains of silicon in the alloy, improve the mechanical capacity of the alloy and provide stability in remelting.
The purpose of modifying eutectic and hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys is to change the circular form ofsilicon to spheroids or globular form results in improved mechanical properties.

Advantages :

  • Improvement in mechanical and metallurgical properties
  • Anti-decay properties
  • Stability in remelting
  • Easy to use with no pollution problems
  • No storage and handling problems
  • Excellent tensile & ductile strength due to uniform distribution of silicon grains
  • No impurity added into the melt

Instructions for use :

1. Prepare the required alloy composition. Follow the normal fluxing and cleaning procedureas recommended.
2. Degas the melt with tablet degaser or by mobile degassing unit and dross off by usingsmall quantity of coverflux.
3. Add ECO – ALTI an application rate of 0.20 – 0.40 at a temperature between 720 to 750deg C.
4. Rabble the melt to ensure homogeneity, wait for 5 to 10 min. then use.

Density : 2.5 grms / cc.
ECO – ALTi Tablet : 200-400 GRMS
Packing : Jute Bags / HDPE Bags / Corrugated Boxes

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