ECO - ALMINAL chemicals manufacturers in India


Product Description:

ECO – ALMINAL is a powdered flux range supplied preweighed in packets or in bulk.

Product Function:

The presence of aluminium in copper-based castings can result in the occurrence of alumina inclusions atgrain boundaries. These may give rise to porosity, loss of pressure tightness and low tensile strength. Inaddition, surface aluminium oxide films cam be problematic in welding, soldering and brazing techniques.

The removal or significant reduction of aluminium content of these alloys largely eliminates the problems. ECO – ALMINAL is a product which is designed to fulfil the purpose of aluminium removal withoutotherwise affecting the melt. When the aluminium content has been reduced to very low levels. ECO -ALMINAL will then remove silicon and manganese from copper alloys but at a much sloer rate thanaluminium.

Product Selection and Application:

Two forms of ECO – ALMINAL are available as follows:
1. ECO – ALMINAL 2 is recommended for foundry use when metal temperatures any be relativelylow.
2. ECO – ALMINAL 8 is primarily intended for use in refineries

ECO – ALMINAL should be used to treat melts containing less than 0.5% aluminium. Where higher levelsexist the alloys should be diluted with aluminium free material until the content is reduced to 0.5% or less.When the aluminium content is high, approximately 0.5%, it is recommended that the charge be melteddown under a cover of 0.5% by weight of ECO – ALMINAL. This will also protect the zinc content of themelt . Before poring the metal should be brought to a temperature slightly higher than that requaierednormally and 0.5% of ECO – ALMINAL should be added to the surface and rabbled in or plunged toensure maximum mixing. The degree of mixing is very important if efficient removal is to be obtained.
The treatment is repeated with further additions of ECO – ALMINAL until the aluminium content of themelt is reduced to the required level. The melt is thoroughly deoxidized immediately before pouring. 

The following figures give a guide to the effect of ECO – ALMINAL on melts of varying aluminiumcontent.

1. Where melts contain 0.4% aluminium an addition of ECO – ALMINAL will removeapproximately 40% of its own weight of aluminium.
2. When melts contain 0.2% aluminium an addition of ECO – ALMINAL will remove approximately25% of its own weight of aluminium.
3. When melts contain 0.1% of aluminium an addition of ECO – ALMINALL will removeapproximately 25% of its own weight of aluminium

SELLING POINTS FOR ECO – ALMINAL reduces the aluminium content of copper-based alloys by asimple flux treatment.

The handle effects of aluminium are eliminated by ECO – ALMINAL without contamination or unwantedcompositional changes in the melt.

Casting made with ECO – ALMINAL treated metal exhibit greater cleanliness, Pressure tightness andtensile strength. In addition the lend themselves to easier welding, brazing and soldering.

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