Description of Goods:

ECO – FAST MELTING SILICON is light grey color irregularly block. When produce theAl-Si alloy which Si content is less than 2%, usually use the metal silicon. The disadvantagefor that method is unstable for Si absorptivity, high melting temperature and long timemelting, easy to form infusible residual Si inclusion, which is bad for quality control. Whenproduce the Al-Si alloy which Si content is more than 2%, usually use Al-Si alloy. It also hassome disadvantages. When founding Al-Si alloy, melting time and melting temperature ofcrystal silicon are high and long, and it’s easy to form dross and impurities. ECO – FASTMELTING SILICON is designed to solve these problems.

Any Silicon inclusion aluminum alloys and transformative aluminum alloys

Directions for use:

  • Adjust the temperature of molten alminium between 730-770℃.
  • Skim off the dross on the surface of molten aluminium.
  • Put ECO – FAST MELTING SILICON into the melt(each time of adding should be2% of the melt),press with a Bell, mix the melt completely. then test if thetemperature between 730-770℃,if the temperature can match, Stir until they aremelting and add 2%,repeat until they meet your requirements (can produce 20%Al-Sialloys).
  • If the silicon inclusion is less than 2% in the Al-Si alloys, it can be added for just onetime

The adding Silicon processing is decalescence reaction, so have to keep the emperature7300C.

·Silicon inclusion above 95%,quickly diffused in low temperature. Quickly confect alloys, control the composition accurately.

Simple working, press and stir after adding, it can be melted into the melt in 5 minutes,
recovery will be more than 95%.

Advanced technology, the microstructure is minuteness, and diffused more equally.

Perfect refill of Al-Si alloy, no dross and impurities indraught. Quality can be controlled strictly.

Decrease the melting temperature and shortened the melting time dramatically. Reduce costslarge scale.

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