ALBROL chemicals manufacturers in India


A range of fluxes for reducing oxide formation and inclusions in copper basealloys containing aluminium, manganese or silicon.
ECO – ALBROL helps in removing and preventing the formations of harmfuloxides of aluminium, silicon and manganese.
Forming a protective cover over the melt, reducing oxidation and also Zincfuming to minimum.
Increasing fluidity and feeding proportions of the alloy.
Improving pressure tightness and mechanical properties of the castings.
Reducing dross formation and curtailing crucible build up normally associatedwith melting of theses alloys.
Lowering the metallic content in skimming.


Casting of aluminium, manganese and silicon bronze is very difficult because ofthose alloying elements great affinity for oxygen which during melting resultsin the formation of large amounts of oxide in the form of heavy drosses. Theseoxides are insoluble and if allowed to remain in the melt they tend to formupon solidification of the metal, a fine film at the grain boundaries whenconsiderably weakens the structure of the alloy and the casting. Furthermorethe natural and successful feeding of the casting is adversely affected by theoxides settling out in fine feeding channels restricting the flow of feed metal.The oxide formation is also the cause of the heavy build up which occurs or thecrucible and furnace walls and therefore steps to cattails this build up essential.ECO – ALBROL effectively reduce oxide formation and build up of heavydrosses. ECO – ALBROL also form a protective cover which prevents gas pick upby the metal.



The quantity of ECO – ALBROL 2 varies according to the quantity and amount ofscrap used in the charge. A high proportion of dirty scrap requires the use oflarger quantities of flux, but for normal conditions addition upto 1 Kg. Per 100Kg of melt will be found sufficient.
As soon as the first part of the charge begins to melt sufficient ECO – ALBROL 2is added to form a cover, usually ¾ kg per 100 kg of melt. About five to tenminutes before casting a further small quantity (about ¼ kg per 100 kg melt) isplunged slowly to the bottom of the melt and is stirred well in to bring the fluxinto contact as much as possible with the metal. Where necessary the fluid slagcan be thickened with dry sand to facilitate skimming.

As soon as the first part of the charge begins to melt add ½ kg ECO – ALBROL2per 100 kg of melt and complete the charge. When ready for pouring into thetransfer ladle introduce a further ½ kg of flux in the ladle and pour onto it.

For electric melting furnaces such as Ajax Wyatts. ECO – ALBROL 2 is usuallyadded in two stages, using a total of ½ kg per 100 kg of melt. The major portionis added to a heel of metal from the previous melt and the remainder used forfinal drossing off. The slag may be skimmed off or thickened up with dry silicasand and the metal poured from beneath it.

The charge is treated as described for the crucible furnace but using ECO -ALBROL 3 instead. The dry dross formed may be either pushed aside duringbaling out or skimmed off cleanly. As metal is added from time to timereplenish the melt, further small quantities of ECO – ALBROL3 should beplunged occasionally and stirred well.

Sufficient ECO – ALBROL 16 to form a fluid protective cover with charge. It isimportant than the flux cover be maintained in a fully fluid condition, and toachieve this, further additions may have to be added from time to time,particularly if the charge melt is very dirty. A total quantity of upto 5 kg per100 kg to melt may have to be used. The fluid cover should be stirredwell intothe melt to bring it into contact as much as possible with the metal. Wherenecessary the fluid slag can be thickened with dry sand to facilitate skimming.In all cases, immediately before casting, the melts should be treated byplunging ECO – DEOXIDING TUBES to coalesce any oxide particles and assisttheir removal with slag.

All ECO – ALBROL are available in 25 Kg in HDPE Bag.

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